영자신문을 읽고 요약해 보는 것까지는 좋은데 그 이후가 늘 문제였다. 이걸 제대로 한 건지 아닌지 확인할 길이 없으니 말이다. 그래서 이번에는 챗GPT를 이용해 봤다.
1단계: 챗GPT에게 요약시키기
신문에 있는 내용을 인터넷에서 찾아서 챗GPT에 복붙을 했다.
지시사항은 다음과 같았다.
Plz abstract this article.
그랬더니 이렇게 정리를 해 주었다.
Lawmaker Reveals Chinese and Russian Warplanes' Repeated Incursions into Kadiz
Chinese and Russian warplanes have been consistently violating Korea's air defense identification zone (Kadiz) since 2019, with an estimated 70 to 90 incursions occurring annually, according to a conservative lawmaker. Representative Shin Won-sik of the People Power Party (PPP) shared military reports indicating that Chinese military aircraft entered the Kadiz around 70 times per year from 2020 to 2022, and approximately 25 times thus far in the current year. In the same timeframe, Russian warplanes intruded into the zone on 10 to 20 occasions and twice in the current year.
Between 2019 and 2021, joint exercises conducted by the air forces of China and Russia had only entered the Kadiz once each year. However, last year's joint exercise breached the zone twice, indicating an escalation in these activities. An air defense identification zone typically includes a country's territorial airspace and extends over a wider area on land and water, allowing the country to identify, locate, and control incoming aircraft in the interest of national security.
These zones are unilaterally declared by countries and are not defined by international law. They often extend beyond a country's territory to provide additional response time to potentially hostile aircraft. In response to the recent incursions, the Korean Defense Ministry lodged a protest with both China and Russia. The incursion involved four Chinese and four Russian military aircraft, prompting the Korean Air Force to scramble fighter jets to respond.
Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) reported that the Chinese and Russian military aircraft entered the Kadiz from the south and east between 11:52 a.m. and 1:49 p.m. on Tuesday before departing the zone completely. The JCS clarified that there was no prior notice from the countries, and although the aircraft did not violate Korean airspace, one Chinese pilot responded to identification requests by stating that they were "conducting a drill."
To address the incursion, Lee Seung-beom, the director general for international policy at the Korean Defense Ministry, separately contacted the military attaches at the Chinese and Russian embassies in Seoul to express regret over the violation of Kadiz. The Defense Ministry issued a press release expressing regrets to both countries and called on their militaries to take "appropriate measures" to prevent future occurrences. The ministry also warned that such exercises could further exacerbate regional tensions.
An anonymous South Korean military official speculated that the purpose of these joint exercises and incursions could be twofold: to assess the readiness of the Korean Air Force and to gather information on various weapons systems and communication signals. The official highlighted the sensitivity of these activities, emphasizing the potential risks they pose to national security.
The repeated incursions into Kadiz by Chinese and Russian warplanes raise concerns about regional stability and military preparedness. The Korean government's response through diplomatic channels underscores the seriousness of the issue and the need to prevent further escalations. Efforts to engage in dialogue and establish protocols to mitigate tensions in the Kadiz will be crucial in maintaining peace and security in the region.
사실 이건 원래 신문만큼이나 너무나 길어서 다시 250자로 요약해 달라고 했다.
지시사항은 다음과 같았다.
plz abstract your artile. The word count is 250.
Chinese and Russian warplanes have been consistently violating Korea's air defense identification zone (Kadiz) since 2019, with an estimated 70 to 90 incursions occurring annually, according to a lawmaker. These incursions increased in frequency during joint exercises between the two countries. The Korean Defense Ministry lodged a protest, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff reported that the incursions did not violate Korean airspace but prompted the scramble of fighter jets. The ministry expressed regret and called on China and Russia to prevent future occurrences. A military official suggested that the purpose of these activities may be to test the readiness of the Korean Air Force and gather information. The repeated incursions raise concerns about regional stability, and diplomatic efforts are needed to mitigate tensions in the Kadiz.
2단계: 챗GPT가 한 요약을 단어 100자로 정리시키기
250자도 사실 내가 쓴 내용과 비교해 보면 너무 길었다. 그래서 다시 100자로 정리시켰다.
지시사항은 다음과 같았다.
plz abstract your artile. The word count is 100.
Chinese and Russian warplanes have consistently violated Korea's air defense identification zone (Kadiz) since 2019, with 70 to 90 annual incursions reported. The Korean Defense Ministry protested the recent incursions, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff scrambled fighter jets in response. The ministry expressed regret and called on China and Russia to prevent future occurrences, citing potential risks to regional tensions. A military official suggested the incursions may be aimed at testing the Korean Air Force's readiness and gathering information. These repeated violations raise concerns about stability, necessitating diplomatic efforts to ease tensions in Kadiz.
이것도 길었다. 그래서 다시 영어 단어 50개로 줄여 달라고 해서 얻은 문장은 이거였다.
Chinese and Russian warplanes have consistently violated Korea's air defense identification zone (Kadiz) since 2019, prompting a protest from the Korean Defense Ministry. Fighter jets were scrambled, and concerns about regional tensions were raised. Diplomatic efforts are needed to address the situation.
3단계: 내 요약과 비교해 달라고 하기
내가 쓴 내용을 타이핑한 후에 네가 쓴 것과 비교해 달라고 했다.
Plz compare this summary to yours. "Chinese and Russian warplanes have Korea’s air defense indentification zone. The have Defense Ministry Fighter jets were all messed.Diplomatic efforts have to address the situation"
어려울 게 전혀 없다.
위에서 적은 것처럼 지시문장을 적고 비교할 문장을 큰따옴표 안에 넣으면 된다.
결과는 다음과 같았다.
In comparison to the previous summary, this summary lacks clarity and coherence. Here is a revised version:
Chinese and Russian warplanes have repeatedly violated Korea's air defense identification zone (Kadiz). As a result, the Korean Defense Ministry expressed concern and scrambled fighter jets in response. Diplomatic efforts are necessary to address and resolve the situation.
챗GPT는 뭐가 잘못되었고 어떻게 수정해야 하는지 알려 준다.
명확성과 연계성이 부족하다고 지적받았다!
이걸 잘 이용하면 영어 공부에 무척 도움이 될 것 같다.
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