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영어 관련 지식

문자 보낼 때 쓰는 영어

by planking 2023. 3. 13.

문자 속어가 항상 일반적인 것은 아니었지만, 요즘엔 일반적으로 쓰인다. 문자 메시지로 알려진 이 짧은 형태의 의사소통이 일상생활에 들어온 지 약 20년이 되었다. 문자메시지는 다른 모바일 기기에 문자메시지를 보내기 위해 전화나 다른 기기를 사용하는 것을 포함한다. SMS 메시지 및 기타 유형의 텍스트 기반 인스턴트 메시지를 해독하는 데 도움이 되는 텍스트 언어는 뭐가 있을까?

문자 속어의 간단한 역사

문자메시지는 기본적으로 핸드폰의 인스턴트 메시지이다. 문자가 처음 발명되었을 때, 사람들은 보통 모바일 기기에 확장 키보드가 없었다. 대신, 당신은 하나 이상의 글자와 연결된 전화기의 번호를 사용하여 메시지를 입력해야 했다.

시간과 에너지를 절약하고 손목터널증후군을 예방하기 위해 수백 가지의 문자 속어, 즉 인터넷 속어, 단어와 문자 줄임말이 등장했다. 문제는 너무 많다는 것이다. 만약 여러분이 그것들을 모두 알지 못한다면, 여러분은 누군가가 외국어를 말하고 있다고 생각할 수 있다!



ABT - About

ABT2 - About to

ACDNT - Accident

ACK - Acknowledge

ACPT - Accept

ADD - Address

ADDY - Address

AEAP - As early as possible

AF - April Fools

AFK - Away from keyboard

AIGHT - Alright

AKA - Also known as

AMAP - As much as possible

AML - All my love

AMOF - As a matter of fact

ASAP - As soon as possible

ATB - All the best

ATEOTD - At the end of the day

ATM - At the moment

AYT - Alright

AYT - Are you there?


B2W - Back to work

B4 - Before

BDAY - Birthday

BF - Boyfriend / best friend

BF4L - Best friend for life

BFF - Best friends forever

BLNT - Better luck next time

BM - Bite me

BOYF - Boyfriend

BRB - Be right back

BTW - By the Way

BYOB - Bring your own beer


CIAO - Good-bye

CM - Call me

CMB - Call me back

CMON - Come on

CR8 - Create

CTC - Care to chat?

CU - See you

CUA - See you around

CUL - See you later

CUL8R - See you later

CYA - See ya

CYAL8R - See you later


DOS - Dad over shoulder

DIY - Do it yourself

DKDC - Don't know, don't care

D/L - Download

DL - Download

DNT - Don't


EMA - Email address

EOM - End of message

ETA - Estimated time of arrival

EZ - Easy

EZY - Easy


FAQ - Frequently asked questions

FBM - Fine by me

FC - Fingers crossed

FTW - For the win

FW - Forward

FWIW - For what it's worth

FWM - Fine with me

FYEO - For your eyes only

FYA - For your amusement

FYI - For your information


G - Giggle

G2CU - Good to see you

G2G - Got to go

G2R - Got to run

GB - Goodbye

GBTW - Get back to work

GBU - God bless you

GF - Girlfriend

GG - Gotta Go

GJ - Good job

GL - Good luck

GLHF - Good luck, have fun

GMTA - Great minds think alike

GN - Goodnight

GNIGHT - Goodnight

GNITE - Goodnight

GR8 - Great

GRATZ - Congratulations

GTG - Got to go

GUD - Good

GUDNYT - Goodnight


H8 - Hate

HAK - Hug and kiss

HAU - How about you?

HAV - Have

H&K - Hugs & kisses

H2CUS - Hope to see you soon

HAND - Have a nice day

H-BDAY - Happy Birthday

HF - Have fun

HFAC - Holy flipping animal crackers

HRU - How are you?

HTH - Hope this helps

HUB - Head up butt

HUYA - Head up your a**

HV - Have

HW - Homework


IB - I'm back

IBH - I’ll be honest

IC - I see

IDC - I don't care

IDK - I don’t know

IHNI - I have no idea

IK - I know

IKR - I know, right

ILU - I love you

ILY - I love you

IM - Instant message

IMHO - In my humble opinion

IMO - In my opinion

IMS - I am sorry

IMU - I miss you

IRL - In real life

IUSS - If you say so


JAC - Just a sec

JK - Just kidding

JLMK - Just let me know


K - Okay

KK - Okay, Okay!

KEWL - Cool

KIT - Keep in touch

KUTGW - Keep up the good work


L8R - Later

LLF - Live life to the fullest

LMAO - Laughing my a** off

LMFAO - Laughing my f***ing a** off

LMK - Let me know

LOL - Laugh out loud or lots of love

LTNS - Long time, no see

LUVYA - Love ya


MC - Merry Christmas

MOS - Mother over shoulder

MIRL - Meet in real life

MKAY - Mmm, okay

MSG - Message

MTF - More to follow

MUSM - Miss you so much

MWAH - To give a kiss

MYOB - Mind your own business


N1 - Nice one

N2M - Nothing too much

NBD - No big deal

NE - Any

NE1 - Anyone

NIMBY - Not in my back yard

NM - Nothing much / never mind

NOYB - None of your business

NP - No problem

NT - Nice try

NVM - Never mind

NVR - Never

NW - No way


OB - Oh baby / oh brother

OI - Operator indisposed

OIC - Oh, I see

OJ - Only joking

OM - Oh, my

OMDB - Over my dead body

OMG - Oh my god

OMW - On my way

ONL - Online

OTB - Off to bed

OTL - Out to lunch

OTOH - On the other hand

OVA - Over


P2P - Peer to peer

PEEPS - People

PIC - Picture

PL8 - Plate

PLMK - Please let me know

PLS - Please

PLZ - Please

PM - Private Message

POS - Parent over shoulder

POV - Point of view

PPL - People

PROLLY - Probably

PRT - Party

PZ - Peace


QIK - Quick

QL - Quit laughing

QT - Cutie

QTPI - Cutie pie


RIP - Rest in peace

RLY - Really

RME - Rolling my eyes

RN - Right now

ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing

ROFLOL - Rolling on floor, laughing out loud

RU - Are you?

RUOK - Are you okay?

RX - Regards


SBT - Sorry 'bout that

SC - Stay cool

SIT - Stay in touch

SK8 - Skate

SK8NG - Skating

SK8R - Skater

SK8RBOI - Skater Boy

SMH - Shaking my head

SO - Significant other

SOAB - Son of a b****

SOL - Sooner or later

SOS - Meaning help

SRSLY - Seriously

SRY - Sorry

SS - So sorry

STFU - Shut the f*** up

STR8 - Straight

SUL - See you later

SUP - What's up?

SUX - Sucks or it sucks

SYL - See you later

SYS - See you soon


TBC - To be continued

TBD - To be determined

TBL - Text back later

TC - Take care

TGIF - Thank God it's Friday

THX - Thanks

THNX - Thanks

TMB - Text me back

TMI - Too much information

TMTH - Too much to handle

TOJ - Tears of joy

TTFN - Ta ta for now

TTLY - Totally

TTUL - Talk to you later

TU - Thank you

TTYL - Talk to you later

TTYS - Talk to you soon

TY - Thank you


UFB - Un-f***ing believable

UFN - Until further notice

UL - Upload

U-L - You will

UOK - You ok?

UR - Your / You're

URW - You’re welcome

UW - You're welcome


VBS - Very big smile

VIP - Very important person

VM - Voicemail

VN - Very nice

VRY - Very


W@ - What?

W/ - With

W8 - Wait

WAH - Working at home

WAM - Wait a minute

WAYF - Where are you from?

W/B - Write back

WB - Welcome back

WBU - What about you?

WC - Who cares

W/E - Whatever

W/END - Weekend

WE - Whatever

WIU - Wrap it up

WK - Week

WKD - Weekend

W/O - Without

WRK - Work

WRU@ - Where are you at?

WTF - What the f***

WTG - Way to go

WTH - What the heck? or What the h***?

WTM - Who's the man?

WU - What's up?

WUF - Where you from?

WUP - What's up?

WYA - Where you at?

WYD - What ya doin’?


X - Kiss

XME - Excuse Me

XOXOXO - Hugs & Kisses

XLNT - Excellent


Y? - Why?

Y2K - You're too kind

YARLY - Ya, really?

YBS - You'll be sorry

YGG - You go girl

YHU - You

YNK - You never know

YOLO - You only live once

YR - Your / Yeah right

YT - You there?

YW - You're welcome


ZUP - What's up?

ZZZZ - Bored or asleep

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